
medinadesignCamp Counselor

The family tradition started in elementary school. “Every single night, my mom gave us ice cream,” Stacia recalls. “Just a treat after dinner. My mom still does this, whenever I go visit.” Two scoops as a kid, not any particular brand or taste, though she does prefer chocolate.

Stacia acknowledges that was not the healthiest habit, but she says she was a very active child, playing outside alongside neighbors in Norwood, just west of Chaska. “We would explore, bike around town and make forts,” Stacia says. “During the summer, we were always spending quality time at the pool in town.”

Stacia who is a mother now herself, says she no longer indulges in ice cream daily, but her mother has extended the frozen treat tradition to Stacia’s son. “He spends a lot of time with my parents,” Stacia says. “I feel guilty, so we don’t have it every day, but we still enjoy it plenty of nights.”

On Mondays or Tuesdays, Stacia takes her son to Culver’s, where she enjoys a chocolate Oreo or chocolate peanut butter Concrete Mixer. Pretty much any flavor tastes amazing. Eating ice cream is a good stress reliever, and it’s good for my soul.”

More about Stacia

What superpower do you wish you had? Time travel so I could go back to different parts of my life, especially to times where I could be with my grandma again. I spent all my summers with her.

If you had a free day to do anything, how would you spend it? I would do something relaxing such as getting my nails done, having a spa day, or sit by the water and take it all in.

What is your favorite snack? Crackers and cheese. Fruit.

Why do you love your job? I love working with kids! I love seeing them smile and I love getting them to laugh. All the stories kids tell are the best!

Favorite cartoon or animated movie? I love watching Avatar.